Adaptive Tools


Below is a list of adaptive tool sources to find the tools you need to help your clients with their horticultural therapy sessions.

A.M. Leonard’s Garden Edge– tools

Ames– hose, carts

Arthritis Supplies– gardening tools

Barnel– saws, pruners

Charley’s Greenhouse– long-handled tools, basket pulley, portable greenhouses

Cobra Head – garden carts, long-handled tools

Corona– saws, pruners

Farm Tek– raised bed kits, greenhouse kits, livestock maintenance

Gardener’s Supply– raised beds, tools, seed starting supplies

Gardener’s Supply Company– garden scooter

Garden Talk– easy kneel-er, variety of supplies and tools

Greenhouse Megastore sun shades, scoops, dibblers, tidy trays, many hand tools

Grow Tech– pruners

Grower Solutions– vertical planters and wall kits

Hummert– folding kneeler tool and tool holder

Lee Valley– adaptive hand tools

Radius Tools– adaptive hand tools, daily living aids

The Wright Stuff– adaptive tools and arm supports

“The world’s favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.”

~ Edwin Way Teale



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