Looking for activities for your horticultural therapy program? Want to know how to become a horticultural therapist? Check out handy links below to some of the most important resources in the HT world!
Horticultural Therapy Activities
Explore our free resources for therapeutic horticultural activities to aid you in your programs or practice.
Become a Horticultural Therapist
The American Horticultural Association has all the details on educational programs to help you become a horticultural therapist or continue your education.
Find a Garden
Explore the American Public Gardens Association’s interactive map of public gardens in the United States.
This is a carefully curated list of horticulture and horticulture-adjacent books and materials.
Adaptive Tools
Make gardening accessible for all with these amazing tools, including raised beds, arthritis-friendly hand tools and folding kneeler tools.
Regional Groups
The American Horticulture Therapy Association has a list of all regional horticulture therapy associations in the United States.
International People Plants Council
This organization is dedicated to spreading awareness and information on how plants influence people.
Get Involved
Do you want to get involved with more horticultural therapy events and activities? Fill out our sign-up sheet here to stay in the loop on ways to volunteer.
Plants Do That!
The National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture has fun infographics about how plants are essential to our day-to-day lives. Click to see it!
Therapeutic Landscape Network
This organization provides education on creating gardens and landscapes that promote health and well-being.
Community Gardens
Want to work in a garden in your own community? This is a database of gardens to explore.
Check out all the hard work they’re doing across the pond! THRIVE is the horticultural therapy association for the UK.
Australian Therapeutic Horticulture
The Aussies are working hard to promote therapeutic horticulture. Check out their work here.
Canadian Horticultural Therapy Association
Our neighbors just North are doing great work in horticultural therapy.