Start with our shortlist
- Accessible Gardening for People With Disabilities: A Guide to Methods, Tools, and Plants by Janeen Adil
- Accessible Gardening: Tips and Techniques for Seniors & the Disabled by Joann Woy
- Digging For Victory: Horticultural Therapy for Veterans for Post-Traumatic Growth by Joanne Wise, 2015
- The Enabling Garden: Creating Barrier–Free Gardens by Gene Rothert
- Garden Classroom-Hands-On Activities by Cathy James, 2015
- Gardens For the Senses: Gardening as Therapy by Hank Bruce
- Garden Therapy, Nature’s Health Plan by Eva Shaw, 2014
- Generations Gardening Together by Larson and Hockenberry Meyer, 2006
- Green Nature / Human Nature: the Meaning of Plants in Our Lives by Charles Lewis
- Growing With Gardening: A Twelve Month Guide for Therapy, Recreation, and Education by Bibby Moore
- Growth Through Nature: A Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities, Chambers by Molen, Wichrowski
- Healing Gardens and Restorative Outdoor Spaces by Marcus, Sachs, 2013
- Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations by Clare Marcus, Barnesn, 1998
- The Healing Landscape-Therapeutic Outdoor Environments by Martha Tyso
- Horticultural Therapy: A Guide for All Seasons by DeHart and Brown
- Horticulture As Therapy: A Practical Guide to Using Horticulture as a Therapeutic Tool by Mitchell Hewson
- Horticulture As Therapy: Principles and Practices by Simson and Strauss
- Horticulture Therapy Methods by Haller
- Horticultural Therapy and the Older Adult Population by Suzanne Wells
- Illustrated Practical Guide to Gardening For Seniors by Cassidy, 2011
- Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder by Ricard Louv, 2006
- More Indoor Nature and Plant Craft Activities by Maureen Phillips HTM and Sheila Taft HTR, 2015
- People–Plant Relationships by Joel Flagler, R. Poincelot
- Role of the Outdoors in Residential Environments for Aging, by Rodiek and Schwarz, 2005
- Sunflower Houses: Inspiration from the Garden – A Book for Children and Their Grown-ups by Sharon Lovejoy
- Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-Based Approach to Designing
Full Booklist
- The Able Gardener, Kathleen Yeomans
- Able to Garden: A Practical Guide for Disabled and Elderly Gardeners, Peter Please
- Accessible Gardening for People With Disabilities: A Guide to Methods, Tools, and Plants, Janeen Adil
- Accessible Gardening: Tips and Techniques for Seniors & the Disabled, Joann Woy
- The Accessibility Checklist: An Evaluation System for Buildings and Outdoor Settings, Goltsman, Gilbert, Wohlford, 1992
- Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art, Keville and Green
- Backyards and Butterflies: Ways to Include Children with Disabilities in Outdoor Activities,
- The Biophilia Hypothesis, Kellert, 1993, (Humanity’s innate affinity for the natural world)
- Bringing Nature Home, Tallamy
- Building Your Own Greenhouse, Mark Freeman
- Calendar Year of Horticulture Therapy, Doherty
- Common Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms of North America, Turner and Aderkas
- The Complete Book of Plant Propagation, G. Clark and A. Toogood
- Complete Compost Gardening Guide, Pleasant
- Concrete Gardening Projects, Nilsson
- Creating Eden: The Garden as a Healing Space, Marilyn Barrett
- Defiant Gardens, Kenneth Helphand, 2006
- Designing Outdoor Spaces for People with Dementia, Marshall and Pollock, 2012
- Digging Deeper: A Comprehensive Guide to Integrating Youth Gardens into School and Communities, Kiefer and Kemple
- Digging For Victory: Horticultural Therapy for Veterans for Post-Traumatic Growth, Joanne Wise, 2015
- Doing Time in the Garden, Dahl
- The Earth Knows My Name, Klindienst, 2007
- Easy Lifelong Gardening, J. Pierce and R. Barms
- The Enabling Garden: Creating Barrier–Free Gardens, Gene Rothert
- The Experience of Nature, Kaplan, R., Kaplan, S, 1989
- Field Exercises/Veterans, Westlund
- Garden Classroom: Hands-On Activities, Cathy James, 2015
- Garden For Life: Horticulture for People with Special Needs, Lynn Davis
- A Garden of Love and Healing, Marsha Olson
- Garden Projects for the Classroom and Special Learning Programs, Bruce and Folk, 2004
- Garden Therapy, Nature’s Health Plan, Eva Shaw, 2014
- Gardening for Children with Autism, Etherington
- Gardening: Equipment for Disabled People, D. Hollonrake
- Gardening is For Everyone, Chris Underhill
- Gardening Projects for HT Programs, Hank Bruce
- Gardening in Your Greenhouse, Mark Freeman
- Gardening Within Arm’s Reach, Gardening and Experiencing Nature for the Visually Handicapped, Hans Schuman
- Gardens in Healthcare Facilities: Uses, Therapeutic Benefits, and Design Recommendations, Cooper Marcus, Barnes
- Gardens for the Senses: Gardening as Therapy, Hank Bruce
- Generations Gardening Together, Larson and Hockenberry Meyer, 2006
- Glass Garden, The: A Therapeutic Garden In New York City, Chambers, Fried, Wichrowski, 2014
- Green Nature / Human Nature: the Meaning of Plants in Our Lives, Charles Lewis
- Greenhouse Gardeners Companion, Shane Smith
- Growing with Care: Using Greenery, Gardens and Nature with Aging and Special Populations, Betsy Kreidler, 2002
- Growing Myself: A Spiritual Journey Through Gardening, Judith Handelsman
- Growing Together: A Practical Guide to Promoting Social Inclusion
- Through Gardening and Horticulture, Sempik, Aldridge and Becker
- Growing and Using Herbs in the Midwest, Rosemary Divock
- Growing With Gardening: A Twelve Month Guide for Therapy, Recreation, and Education, Bibby Moore
- GrowLab: Activities for Growing Minds, National Gardening Association
- Growth Through Nature: A Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities, Chambers, Molen, Wichrowski
- The Healing Dimensions of People-Plant Relations, Francis, Lindsey, Rice
- Healing Fields, Psychology and Nature to Rebuild Shattered Lives, Linden, 2008
- The Healing Garden; Natural Healing For Mind, Body, and Soul, David Squire
- Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations, Clare Marcus, Barnes
- The Healing Landscape-Therapeutic Outdoor Environments, Martha Tyson, 1998
- Health Through Horticulture: A Guide for Using the Outdoor Garden for Therapeutic Outcomes, Chicago Botanic Gardens
- Health, Well-Being and Social Inclusion-Therapeutic Horticulture in the UK, Joe Sempik, Jo Aldridge, and Saul Becker
- Herbs: RD Home Handbook, Lesley Bremness, editor
- Hollyhock Days: Garden Adventures for the Young at Heart, Sharon Lovejoy
- Horticulture as a Therapeutic Tool, Mitchell Hewson
- Horticulture As Therapy: Principles and Practices, Simson and Strauss
- Horticultural Therapy: A Guide for All Seasons, DeHart and Brown
- Horticulture Therapy Methods, Haller
- Horticultural Therapy and the Older Adult Population, Suzanne Wells
- Horticultural Therapy for Senior Centers, Nursing Homes, Retirement Living, Eugene Rothert, James Daubert
- The Houseplant Expert, D. G. Hessayon
- Houseplants: RD Home Handbook, John Brooks
- Illustrated Practical Guide to Gardening For Seniors, Cassidy, 2011
- Interaction by Design, Candace A. Shoemaker, editor
- The Inward Garden; Creating a Place of Beauty and Meaning, Julie Moir Messervy
- Landscape Design for Elderly and Disabled People, Jane Stoneham and Peter Thoday, 1994
- Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder, Ricard Louv, 2006
- Life Worth Living: How Someone You Love Can Still Enjoy Life In A Nursing Home, William Thomas, (The Eden Alternative in Action)
- The Magic Land: Designing Your Own Enchanted Garden, Julie Moir Messervy
- Melwood: A Story of Empowerment, Copus and Calabro, 2007
- More Indoor Nature and Plant Craft Activities, Maureen Phillips HTM and Sheila Taft HTR, 2015
- The Nature Principle: Human Restoration and the End of Nature-Deficit Disorder, Richard Louv
- Parks and Other Green Environments: Essential Components of a Healthy Human Habitat, National Recreation & Park Association, Kuo, 2010
- People-Plant Relationships, Joel Flagler, R. Poincelot
- A Place to Grow: Voices and Images of Urban Gardeners, David Hassler
- Propagation A to Z, Bryant, 2006
- Random House Book of Indoor and Greenhouse Plants, v. 1 & 2, Phillips & Rix
- Ready, Set, Grow: A Guide to Gardening with Children, Suzanne Bales, 2006
- Restorative Gardens: The Healing Landscape, Gerlach and Spriggs
- The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-Being and Social Development, Diane Relf
- The Role of Horticulture in Residential Environments for Aging, Rodiek and Schwarz 2005, Diane Relf, editor
- Role of the Outdoors in Residential Environments for Aging, Rodiek and Schwarz, 2005
- Roots, Shoots, Buckets and Boots: Gardening Together with Children, Sharon Lovejoy
- Sacred Flowers: Creating a Heavenly Garden, Roni Jay
- The Sanctuary Garden, Christopher Forrest McDowell and Tricia Clark-McDowell
- Schoolyard Mosaics-Designing Gardens and Habitats, National Gardening Association, 2006
- Secrets of Plant Propagation, Lewis Hill
- The Seed Starters Handbook, Nancy Bubel
- Social and Therapeutic Horticulture: Evidence and Messages from Research, Joe Sempik, Jo Aldridge, and Saul Becker
- Square Foot Gardening, Mel Bartholomew
- Sunflower Houses: Inspiration from the Garden – A Book for Children and
Their Grown-ups, Sharon Lovejoy
- Taylors 50 Best Herbs and Edible Flowers, Taylor and Taylor
- Tending the Earth, Mending the Spirit: The Healing Gifts of Gardening, Connie Goldman, Richard Mahler
- Therapeutic Gardens, Wagenfeld and Winterbottoms
- Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-Based Approach to Designing Healing Gardens and Restorative Outdoor Spaces, Marcus, Sachs, 2013
- 12 Lessons on Life I Learned From My Garden, Vivian Elisabeth Glyck
- Visual Reference for Evidence-Based Design, Malkin, 2008
- Waterwise Plants for Sustainable Gardening, Ogden
- What’s Wrong with my Vegetable Garden, Deardoff
- With People in Mind: Design and Management of Everyday Nature, Rachael and Stephen Kaplan and Robert Rya
“The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses.”
~ Hanna Rion