Decorating Bird Houses
BIRDS AT HOME IN THE GARDEN HORTICULTURAL THERAPY SESSION PLAN DECORATING BIRD HOUSES WITH NATURAL MATERIALS by Sarah Sierdazki PURPOSE: Birds add multi-sensory interest to the garden—color, movement, life, and song. Make a home for birds in the garden by...
Presented by Cindy Hasko and Sarah Sieradzki (Adapted from “Good Angels from the Garden” by Theresa Loe, Herb Companion, January 2005.) Fragrant herbal angels can be made any time of the year with either fresh or dried herbs, and other botanicals. They can represent a...
TIPS FOR PRESSING FLOWERS AND LEAVES AND USING THEM CREATIVELY SARAH SIERADZKI AND CINDY HASKO MHTA 2021 SELECTING AND PREPARING THE BOTANICALS: Try all the flowers and leaves in your garden—all it will cost you is a little time and effort. ...